Behind the Bytes: Exploring the World of Digital Forensics Incident Response

Introducing: Our new Brute Force Dictionary List Generator!

Our Brute Force Dictionary List Generator is a free tool, created for the betterment of the Digital Forensic Incident Response Community.

Supported List Types:

Currently, we support both 4-digit and 6-digit passcode lists. Create a .txt file containing your possible passcodes and navigate to the file within the input file’s browse file option.


The tool will generate a .txt file containing all possible passcode combinations from your provided passcodes within your selected output folder. All output passcode combinations are listed in the order of your input list and de-duplicated to ensure no repeated numbers.

Common Errors:

Navigate to an input file that is not a .txt file? The tool will alert you that the selected file is not supported prior to data processing.

Accidentally add a passcode to your input list that is not the correct passcode length? The tool will detect the passcode provided, notify you which passcode did not meet the correct format, and remove it from the output file.

The free-to-use tool is available here, download today!

One response to “Introducing: Our new Brute Force Dictionary List Generator!”

  1. […] Introducing: Our new Brute Force Dictionary List Generator! […]


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Metadata Forensics, LLC’s mission is to provide thorough and accurate digital investigation services. Seeking the digital truth is what we strive for in each case, and client satisfaction is one of our top priorities. Metadata Forensics, LLC has global experience in digital forensic investigations and uses the industry-leading tools in our quest for the answers our clients are seeking.

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